How Benjamin Franklin and Friends
Brought the Enlightenment to America
Jonathon Lyons
Posted: July 27, 2013
From celebrated historian of knowledge Jonathan Lyons comes The Society for Useful Knowledge, telling the story of America's coming-of-age through its historic love affair with practical invention, applied science, and self-reliance. Offering fresh, original portraits of figures like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, and the inimitable, endlessly inventive Franklin, Lyons gives us vital new perspective on the American founding. He illustrates how the movement for useful knowledge is key to understanding the flow of American society and culture from colonial times to our digital present.
Really liked this book. It was filled with a lot of
information about the history of our country before the revolution. One of the
topics is how Benjamin Franklin along with a couple of other men. Thought that
a new type of school should be started. One that focused on English, reading,
math and then at some point history, astronomy. He also thought that a school
should also teach trade works, glass making, printing, leather making, wood
working etc. He felt along with some other men that this would free up the
colonies from Britain. This was 20 years before the war. Once the school came
into place a he had a set of guide lines and came up with an elected board from
the area. He still felt there should be some type of control. His main ideas
were to have no teaching of classics, Latin, Greek, for example. That middle
class and lower would be provided free education. This worked for a short time
for after he got this started he was given an award from a college in Germany
and another one in France. For his work in science, (electricity). By the time
he came back the school was changed by the board, to teaching the classics and
not teaching the middle class. He wrote about the waste the students will learn
nothing that will be useful for them to grow, build, or make things. His whole
ideas were taken over and his friends who also thought liked he did had passed
on. He still saw that the colonies were too dependent on England and encourage
people to start making their own items. By the time the war started there was a
company making cloths, a few ship builders, one company working on gun powder,
and of more tools were being made. So they did not have to pay taxes, or
duties. Which he wrote to people is another tax. I could still go on but you
should read this book. It is a book that should be used in school.
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