Posted: Jan. 16, 2014

A love story, a murder story and a story about two Greek families and their relationship with each other from the old country to the U.S. It starts off where you are at a big Greek celebration and for the most part you are introduced to most of the main charters. The title identical refers to twins and they are the main part of the story. The story starts at the party then you go back and forth at different times getting to know the characters at the different moments in their lives. During this whole process you are sent on a journey of twists and turns of who done what and where and did this person do it or someone else. You are going along and you think you have it all figured out until you get to end. A very well written and thought out story with just the right amount of twists and turns to keep you interested in the story and the characters. I really enjoyed this book. I got this book from net galley.
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