Adam or Dare? Both men set her senses on fire. With Dare, Ash can just be free and let go of her control under his sensual tutelage. With Adam, Ash has a friend, a lover, a future. But with the choice in front of her and her heart on line, can she fight for what she wants the most? Especially when someone is determined to take it all away?
Secrets have a way of coming out when you least expect them, and while Ash dreams of a future with them both, she knows Adam and Dare are hiding something. How can she hold onto a relationship that's not even real yet? And will their pasts haunt their future?
Well, we left off with Ashley wanting her
cake and eating it too. She doesn’t know
what she wants but instead of being an adult and abstaining from both men until
she can find her true heart with the right man.
No, she is doing them but it's okay she makes sure she gets dumped or
dumps with a few days in between so the guy doesn’t feel like a rebounder.
How kind of her. Is all I can say? So let’s see what we have in store now. Ashley successfully gets another night with
Dare before she finds out…from Helen Dare’s ex-step-daughter... All the things I thought about each one at
any given time seems to be swaying in another direction. When she confronts Adam first she thinks Dare’s
marriage broke up, at least that is what Helen said, because of him. When she gets him to talk
she wanted details but, he said he didn’t feel it was his story to tell it was
Dare’s and couldn’t talk about it. For
sure, Adam said, it was not him that broke up Dare’s marriage.
When she talks to Dare he tells her, that
yes Adam had nothing to do with his marriage breaking up. What happened was that Adam was just someone
that Helen focused on after the marriage broke up and the stories her mother
told her. It was the truth but just not
Adam and she couldn’t handle it. Her
mother thought he (Dare) was a pervert, for being Bisexual, although being with men was before he ever
married her mother. He is bi and likes
both men and women. By telling Helen it
took the Hero Worship that she had for Dare out of her eyes being that he is
the only male that has ever stayed in her life and has ever tried to help
her. Actually any person even over her
mother. Making Helen angry at the world.
Ashley needed to process and then they
would talk. She needed to make sense of
it all. So where could they go from
there who come out the winner? Was there
really one or will it cause discord somewhere or has it already? These are questions I would ask myself but
then I don’t think I could put myself in her situation and say I loved someone
without calling it cheating. But that’s
just me. Very interesting
storyline. Very erotic I would say a 3
out of 5 for story for me it just wrapped it up to nicely in a bow to fast. 2 out of 5 for BDSM, and 4 out of 5 for all
three stories overall. Provided by
netgalley. Follow us at: www.1rad-readerreviews.com
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