Run Away

RUNAWAY                                                  HARLAN COBEN

You've lost your daughter.

She's addicted to drugs and to an abusive boyfriend. And she's made it clear that she doesn't want to be found.

Then, by chance, you see her playing guitar in Central Park. But she's not the girl you remember. This woman is living on the edge, frightened, and clearly in trouble.

You don't stop to think. You approach her, beg her to come home.

She runs. 

And you do the only thing a parent can do: you follow her into a dark and dangerous world you never knew existed. Before you know it, both your family and your life are on the line. And in order to protect your daughter from the evils of that world, you must face them head-on.


What a story, you feel at times that you are right with the characters. If you are a parent you can put yourself in the shoes of either Simon or Ingrid. The moment Simon sees his daughter in central park and tries to talk to her everything begins to change. The author includes today’s social media and how it is not for always good in how it is depicted. You at times want to be for the parent Simon but then I feel why did he take his wife to an area where they did not belong and were so out of place? This of course only adds to the story. The author does a wonderful job of drawing you the reader into each character and the overall story that once you begin you won’t want to stop. A very good book. I received this book from I gave it 5 stars. Follow us at

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