Dangerous Games (Dangerous Beauty #3)

DANGEROUS GAMES                             J.T. GEISSINGER

Eva knows what it’s like to be imprisoned by a man’s twisted obsessions. But after running, hiding, and finding refuge in a rescuer’s arms, she’s suddenly pulled back into the black hole of her past. Kidnapped by her sadistic ex, Dimitri, and with the love of her life left for dead, Eva is facing down the worst of her demons alone.

If Dimitri wants to play sick games, Eva’s ready. She already knows how dark they can get. But despite her fears, she hasn’t been abandoned. Naz is in hot pursuit. And the last thing Dimitri expects is for a dead man to come calling. For Eva and Naz, worlds apart yet bound by fierce and unbreakable passion, it’s time to beat the devil.

To do it they’ll have to be just as ruthless, seductive, and cunning. With every pulse of the heart, they must risk it all to play Dimitri’s final game to its harrowing end—and win.


The third and final book of this series picks up where you left off with the last one. Dimitri has come for Eve and now that he has her he also wants Naz dead. The man he hired originally to watch her. After the shot out she believes that Naz is dead though she really does not want to believe it. Naz and the other characters are in this book as well. Killian and Naz are still going at it amongst themselves, really it is Naz this time and at times is a little over the top but I get it. Eve once again has shown her strength and her wits but will it be enough to the trick and save her or will Demetri get the last word. A very good ending to this series. This book once again added some new characters but they went with the story and actually added to it. The epilogue was very good and now I wonder if Killian will have a book. A very good series if you could read all three books together, overall the series was a five, though maybe each book was not there is plenty of action to keep the pages turning. A good story. I received this book from Netgalley.com I gave it 5 stars. Follow us at www.1rad-readerreviews.com 

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