Make Me Lose (Bayshore #1)

MAKE ME LOSE                                       EMBER LEIGH

Born minutes apart on the same day in the same hospital, our parents thought this meant we were somehow destined to be together. We knew were we just destined to beat each other.

Competition boiled over until junior year when the cold war turned into an unexpected peace offering. Maybe my hormones allowed me to notice his broad shoulders, stormy gray-blue eyes, and soccer star’s chiseled frame. But after I fell for him…he stomped all over my heart.

Ten years later, I’m at the top of the realty game in Bayshore and Grayson is just a distant memory. Until he shows up from NYC, his ego bigger than a skyscraper, and asks me to sell the house he recently inherited.

It’s easy to say no. Even though I want to climb him like the jungle gyms we used to dangle from in strong-arm battles.

But I forgot that Gray doesn’t take no for an answer. And that he isn’t content unless he’s defeating me.

He butts into my evenings on the boat. Ropes me into water skiing battles. Even shows up at the bar and creates a scene when I’m scouting a date to the upcoming Bicentennial Ball.

It’s almost like he’s gunning to win me.

But if he wins, that means I lose.

And I’m not ready to cede victory just yet.


Grayson Daly is returning to Bayshore to sell his grandmother’s house. He has not been home in ten years and though his family is looking forward to seeing him he is not looking forward to going home. It begins before he enters town when he sees a build board of Hazel and the saying and picture of her stays with him for the rest of the day. That is until he is asked by his mother to go to her office and ask her to sell or list the house. The thing about the two of them is that they were born on the same day minutes apart, and had a completion between one another up until they began dating in high school. Then he broke up with before the senior prom and went with someone else and she has been back to the completion. Except for the ten years have been good for Hazel her business has taken off she has her friends and life is good. When Grayson walks into her office that day he is shocked by the beauty of the pin-up girl standing there and when she turns around and realizes that it is Hazel he knows that he is doomed. On top of everything else she said to list the house, he leaves more upset than he was before. He then must deal with Hazel in a bar situation, on the lake water skiing and in a bathing suit showing off her curves. Anyway, you get the point. This is a very good book, I really liked Hazel's character and at times Grayson was a jerk, but that was part of the story. Overall a good book. I received this book from I gave it 5 stars. Follow us at

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